Press Releases

BREAKING NEWS: Calif. Court of Appeal Upholds Right to Homeschool

8 Aug, 2008

Los Angeles, CA – Homeschooling families throughout California can breathe more easily following a major decision released today in the Rachel L. case by California’s Second District Court of Appeal. In a reversal of its previous decision, the Court today clearly … Read More

San Diego County Shuts Down Church But Would Allow Bar in Its Place

6 Aug, 2008

Guatay, CA – Pacific Justice Institute has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a church in east San Diego County which has been shut down by county officials. The County claims the church is “illegal” even though it has been operating … Read More

Court Finds No Curfew Violation By Student Educated At Home

5 Aug, 2008

Santa Monica, CA – A sixteen year old student enrolled in an independent study program through a private school was detained by the police while on his way to meet with a tutor. The student produced his school ID card for … Read More

High School Refuses to Recognize Bible Study Club; PJI Files Suit

29 Jul, 2008

Anaheim, CA – Pacific Justice Institute filed suit today in federal court in Southern California on behalf of students who have been thwarted in their attempts to start an after-school Bible Study Club at Esperanza High School in Anaheim. The high … Read More

Biology Professor Files Suit After Being Fired for Answering Student Question On Homosexuality

22 Jul, 2008

San Jose, CA – A biology professor at San Jose City College filed a federal lawsuit late last week after she was terminated for statements the College decided were politically incorrect. The professor, June Sheldon, is being represented by attorneys … Read More

CA Supreme Court Rejects Petition to Keep Marriage Initiative Off of November Ballot

16 Jul, 2008

San Francisco, CA – California’s high court denied a petition to keep Proposition 8 off of the November ballot. Proposition 8 states: “Only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” The petition was filed … Read More

PJI Defends Students Threatened for Singing Patriotic Songs in Capitol Rotunda

14 Jul, 2008

Sacramento, CA – Students attending an educational conference in the California Capitol building were accosted by security for singing the “Star Spangled Banner” and “God Bless America.” The students were participating in City On A Hill which teaches students the fundamentals … Read More

Breaking News in Homeschool Case – Trial Court Ends Jurisdiction; Case May be Moot

11 Jul, 2008

Los Angeles, CA – Following a five-and-a-half hour hearing yesterday, the juvenile dependency court overseeing the Rachel L. homeschooling case has determined that no further court oversight of the family is needed and has therefore terminated its jurisdiction. Attorneys for the … Read More

PJI Blitzes CA with Pastor Briefings on Same-Sex Marriage Issues

7 Jul, 2008

  Sacramento, CA – Due to the legalization of same-sex marriages by the California Supreme Court, the Pacific Justice Institute is providing legal briefings to pastors on this issue. The briefings give practical counsel to pastors on limiting legal liability to … Read More

ACLU and Others File Lawsuit to Stop Marriage Initiative

23 Jun, 2008

San Francisco, CA – The ACLU, Equality California, Lambda Legal and the National Center for Lesbian Rights filed suit late last week asking the California Supreme Court to yank the Protect Marriage Initiative off the November ballot. According to a statement … Read More