Press Releases

PJI Blitzes CA with Pastor Briefings on Same-Sex Marriage Issues

7 Jul, 2008

  Sacramento, CA – Due to the legalization of same-sex marriages by the California Supreme Court, the Pacific Justice Institute is providing legal briefings to pastors on this issue. The briefings give practical counsel to pastors on limiting legal liability to … Read More

ACLU and Others File Lawsuit to Stop Marriage Initiative

23 Jun, 2008

San Francisco, CA – The ACLU, Equality California, Lambda Legal and the National Center for Lesbian Rights filed suit late last week asking the California Supreme Court to yank the Protect Marriage Initiative off the November ballot. According to a statement … Read More

Oral Arguments Loom in Homeschool Case

17 Jun, 2008

Los Angeles, CA – California’s Second District Court of Appeal in Los Angeles will hear oral arguments this coming Monday in the Rachel L. homeschool case that has attracted nationwide attention. The court has set aside two hours for oral argument … Read More

WA Supreme Court Allows Same-Sex Marriage Benefits, Ignoring State DOMA

10 Jun, 2008

Olympia, WA – The Washington Supreme Court has denied a request by Pacific Justice Institute to review a lower courts decision allowing the mayor of Seattle to grant same-sex marriage benefits to City employees. Washington enacted a Defense of Marriage Act … Read More

California Supreme Court Denies Rehearing and Stay of Gay Marriages

4 Jun, 2008

San Francisco, CA – The California Supreme Court today denied requests to stay its gay marriage ruling until the November election. The Court also denied requests to rehear the case. The Court’s ruling makes clear that its previous ruling will become … Read More

Texas Raids Prompt Renewed Calls for CPS Reform

3 Jun, 2008

Sacramento, CA – The Texas Supreme Court declared last week that the state’s Department of Family Protective Services (CPS) acted illegally in rounding up hundreds of mothers and children from a suspected polygamist sect. Meanwhile, the anonymous phone call that led … Read More

Teachers Union Attacks Homeschoolers – PJI Responds

27 May, 2008

Los Angeles – The closely-watched Rachel L. homeschooling case in Los Angeles is entering the final phase of briefing at the appellate level before oral arguments are scheduled. Numerous friend-of-the-court or amicus briefs have been filed with the state Court of … Read More

Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Child Pornography Law

19 May, 2008

Washington, D.C – Today the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling which upholds a federal law passed to curb child pornography. The law provides for criminal penalties for advertising, promoting, presenting, soliciting or distributing a visual depiction of a minor … Read More

Gay Marriage Legalized In California

15 May, 2008

San Francisco, CA – Today the California Supreme Court handed down a ruling which legalized same sex marriage in California. The California Defense of Marriage Act, also known as Proposition 22, was found to be unconstitutional by the high court. Passed … Read More

Ninth Circuit to Hear Arguments This Week in UC Berkeley Website Case

12 May, 2008

San Francisco, CA – Pacific Justice Institute will present arguments this week to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in a case challenging a federally-funded UC Berkeley website which promotes selected religious denominations that support evolution. The lawsuit, filed by PJI … Read More