Pro-LGBT School Film Called Demeaning to Black Families
Vallejo, CA – A heated controversy in this Bay Area city over mandatory pro-gay curricula for all students has taken an unexpected twist that is leaving gay activists and the ACLU scrambling to explain why a film shown to elementary students portrays African-American families in a negative light.
At a school board meeting last week, the school board for the Vallejo City Unified School District heard from dozens of parents who were outraged that children as young as kindergarten were being subjected to pro-LGBT films and instruction, with no notice or opportunity to opt out. The parents who packed the board meeting, along with the board, viewed the film “That’s a Family” which was mandatory viewing for kindergarten and elementary grades. African-American parents, as well as a school board member, voiced concerns about the stereotypical and negative portrayal of black people and families. Meanwhile, the film portrays LGBT relationships in only positive terms. One parent held up a crossword puzzle that her child brought home from school. The clue: “Two women who love each other.” Answer: “Lesbian.” The mother stated that her daughter is nine years old and not ready for this type of material. After reviewing the film and hearing from the parents, the board members directed the superintendent to provide them with a copy of all of the materials being used in the classrooms in support of the LGBT based curriculum entitled “Respect for All.”
Pacific Justice Institute Chief Counsel Kevin Snider attended the school board meeting along with many parents and community leaders, including Vallejo pastor Danny Jefferson who addressed the board. PJI represents parents seeking to opt their children out of the curriculum. Attorneys are preparing a legal opinion letter to the school board disputing the ACLU’s position that a school district has no authority to allow parents to opt their children, including kindergartners, out of instruction for which the parents feel their children are too young to receive. “Respect for All” is the result of a settlement agreement entered into between a student, represented by the ACLU, and the District. Snider told the board members that the ACLU has bargained away the rights of third parties who did not have a seat at the table and by doing so the ACLU has disenfranchised these parents. PJI has also learned that the film “Straightlaced,” which extols homosexuality and transsexuality while attacking gender norms, was shown to Vallejo high school students this past Friday with no advance notice to parents.
PJI President Brad Dacus commented, “It is unacceptable and illegal to show films to students that claim to teach persity and respect but in actuality demean those who have suffered the most of any protected class in this country. We will not stand by and let the ACLU bully parents, students and the school district.” PJI would like to thank Capitol Resource Institute for their participation in this at the board.