Ninth Circuit To Hear Argument On Abortion Speech Mandate

San Francisco, CA–SB117 Pacific Justice Institute is challenging AB 775 in the Ninth Circuit to defend pro-life clinics’ right to free speech.  The next major step in the litigation takes place tomorrow, and members of the media are welcome to attend. 
WhenTuesday, June 14, at 9:00 a.m. 
What: Oral argument challenging AB 775. PJI represents three California pro-life clinics.
Where: Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals at 95 7th St., San Francisco, CA 94103
Who: Pacific Justice Institute attorney Kevin Snider

Pacific Justice Institute is representing clinics that would be compelled by AB 775, a law that Governor Jerry Brown signed in October 2015, to promote government-funded abortions.  Although Judge Kimberly Mueller refused to prevent the law from going into effect on January 1, she did agree that this law would cause irreparable harm to the clinics and raised serious questions of First Amendment rights.  The Second and Fourth Circuit Courts of Appeal have already struck down similar laws as being unconstitutional. Unless AB 775 is halted, religious non-profit clinics in California will lose significant freedom of speech as they provide free medical services and counseling as an alternative to abortion.
Kevin Snider will be available to media at the courthouse immediately following his argument.  Brad Dacus, the Founder and President of PJI, will also be available for comment at 916-857-6900.